Books, cats and fine wine are the best things in life.


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sue Parritt Shares a Day in Her Life @OdysseyBooks #SannahAndThePilgrim #AmWriting #SciFi #Dystopian

10:00 AM Posted by Quality Reads UK , , , No comments
A day in the life of Sue Parritt The day begins around 7.15 when my husband, an early riser, brings me a cup of tea in bed and slips back in beside me. I savour each sip; this first cup somehow superior to all those that follow, ponder between brief conversation yesterday’s paragraphs awaiting...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Right Way and the Wrong Way to Promote Your Book Online by @DPDenman #WriteTip #AmWriting

The Right Way and the Wrong Way to Promote Your Book Online There is a marketing tradition created by master salesmen that says if you want to sell a product you need to make sure everyone knows it exists and you need to be aggressive in your promotion. Think Tony Robbins. Some authors adopt that...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

#ReviewShare #BookReview #Mystery - Steps Into Darkness (Shakertown Adventure) by @BenSWoodard

Steps Into Darkness by Ben Woodard My rating: 5 of 5 stars The book started off slow for me but I recommend that you stick with it. As the mystery develops, the plot becomes tighter and you breeze by the pages as quickly as you can. One of the downfalls of teen mysteries is that sometimes authors are...

Friday, October 10, 2014

Seven Things You Don’t Know About "Moxie’s Problems" by Hank Quense @hanque99 #Fantasy #SciFi

8:00 AM Posted by Quality Reads UK , , , 1 comment
Seven things you don’t know about Moxie’s Problems The original Moxie story was a short story that I couldn't sell. I loved Moxie’s character and I was determined to put her into her own novel. I was half-way through Moxie’s Problems when I put it on the side to write a series of non-fiction books...
