Sabrina Larson wants her fortieth birthday to be a major milestone—the beginning of a new life. But it looks more like the end for the Boulder, Colorado nurse when she mysteriously disappears while celebrating with her women’s group in a mountain wilderness area. Search teams comb the region for days,...
Books, cats and fine wine are the best things in life.

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Hi Everyone, Wonderful to have you stop by. I love discovering new books and authors.
The old cat man also loves his cats (Ivan, Blackie, & Stripes), oh and my partner Lee.
Hugs & Love to All - James
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Review: Too Many Secrets by Lynn Osterkamp
Too Many Secrets by Lynn Osterkamp My rating: 5 of 5 stars Which characters do you particularly admire or dislike? I liked Elisa for trying to help Cleo. She kept her straight and showed her when she veered off the path in allowing clients to control her life.Erik, the short time he was in the book...
Orangeberry Book of the Day - Barbed-Wire Butterflies by Jessica Kristie
Buy Now @ Amazon Genre – Literary Fiction Rating – PG More details about the author & the book Connect with Jessica Kristie on Facebook & Twitter Website CHAPTER 1 A New Truth Loud noises banging from the trunk didn’t even make the two men flinch. It was an all too...
Author Interview – Lynn Osterkamp
How has your upbringing influenced your writing? My father continually challenged me to think outside the box. My mother loved poetry and read me poems when I was very young. Both of my parents were active in theater groups, and encouraged me to do the same. Their focus on creativity and self-expression...
Monday, April 29, 2013
Orangeberry Book of the Day – Demon Inhibitions (Caitlin Diggs) by Gary Starta
Chasing a soul stealer in her reality, psychic investigator Caitlin Diggs inadvertently travels through a portal to another reality and witnesses her fugitive kill her alternate self in DEMON INHIBITIONS. Assuming her alternate’s life as an agent of the FBI’s Preternatural Crime Division, Diggs believes...
Orangeberry Book of the Day - The Learner by Alan Nayes (Excerpt)
NayéLi has come from the dark side of the universe to learn as much as she can about the third planet from the sun, and to communicate her findings back to her home world. NayéLi is a Learner – and on Earth she assumes the form of a young human female of the indigenous host species. NayéLi is bound...
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Orangeberry Free Alert – Broken Pieces by Rachel Thompson
PRAISE FOR BROKEN PIECES: ‘So ridiculously amazing, I can’t take it’ ~ Gabe Berman, Author ‘Live LIke A Fruit Fly‘ ‘Engrossed. It is a grippingly brilliant work’ ~ Frank Feather, author and blogger ‘Any woman who has had a former lover (or two or three) will be able to relate to this. Her writing...
Chris Wager – How to Write by the Seat of Your Pants
How to write by the seat of your pants: outline or not by Chris Wager I draw my writing from my passions. I never write without a purpose, without something to say or a point to make. The greatest challenge is being able to put down on paper what it is you are feeling without making it too wordy....
Orangeberry Book of the Day - Refuge by NG Osborne (Excerpt)
PROLOGUE escape Kabul – February 1981 ONE “NOOR—NOOR, MY love, please get up.” Noor opens her eyes to find her mother crouched over her, her mother’s lantern just bright enough to bathe her face in a warm glow. Noor fights the urge to go back to sleep. “The Russians are coming,” her mother says....
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Orangeberry Free Alert - Genetically Modified Foods vs. Sustainability by Bruno McGrath
Genetically Modified Foods vs. Sustainability - Bruno McGrath Amazon Kindle US Amazon Kindle UK Genre – Food & Cooking Rating - PG 4.0 (14 reviews) Free until 30 April 2013 Connect with Bruno McGrath on Facebook Website "We can't solve problems by using the same...
Author Interview – Elle Campbell
What do you do to unwind and relax? I chill out by having a pretty low key night. Just put a onesie on, making myself a hot chocolate and watching a DVD with my family. If you could leave your readers with one bit of wisdom, what would you want it to be? Fashion is something that you can buy but style...
Orangeberry Book Tours – Style, Chic, Trendy, Cheap by Elle Campbell
A past graduate of Parsons School of Design, Elle Campbell held internships with companies such as BCBG Max Azria and MTV and had worked in merchandising and buying for contemporary fashion companies like True Religion and Juicy Couture. Now a fashion and lifestyle writer, Elle Campbell really knows...
Orangeberry Book of the Day - For Gods and For Me by James R. Johnson
Chapter 1 The black-clad figure slipped between trees and bushes under the darkness of night. The moon was hidden behind a sky filled with menacing clouds. Rabbits and field mice scattered from the hurrying figure, but not until he was close upon them. His stealth and speed were the attributes that...
Friday, April 26, 2013
Orangeberry Free Alert - Aura by Doug Dandridge
Aura - Doug Dandridge Amazon Kindle US Amazon Kindle UK Genre - Fantasy Rating - PG13 4.8 (4 reviews) Free until 29 April 2013 The Aura decides the fate of its possessor on this World of battling Gods. Those with a strong Aura are able to control the forces of magic. Those with weaker Auras are controlled...
Orangeberry Book Tours – Saving Jackie K by LDC Fitzgerald
The First Lady in Danger? Jump into the past to save her! Enter an upside-down world where Soviet henchmen botched their mission to eliminate John F. Kennedy fifty years ago, slaying his wife Jackie instead. The unthinkable crime incites Americans and triggers an unending war with Russia. In present...
Author Interview – LDC Fitzgerald
Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it? Our characters travel back in time from 2013 to 1963. One astounding thing we learned is that the days of the week are exactly the same in those two years that are half a century apart. So, if today is Saturday, April 20, 2013, fifty years...
Orangeberry Book of the Day – Confession (Under Mr. Nolan’s Bed) by Selena Kitt
FROM BESTSELLING & AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR SELENA KITT OVER ONE MILLION BOOKS SOLD! “With the mouth, confession is made into salvation…” ~ Romans 10:10.The shocking discovery best friends Leah and Erica have made under Mr. Nolan’s bed has them down the wicked path of temptation, both girls veering...
Review: Saving Jackie K by L.D.C. Fitzgerald
Saving Jackie K by L.D.C. Fitzgerald My rating: 4 of 5 stars Which secondary character resonated most with you and why? Detective Tippett. He seems stilted in some ways, but his investigation and interaction with the other characters moved the story along.How you define the central theme in this story....
Review: Reflection by Kim Cresswell
Reflection by Kim CresswellMy rating: 4 of 5 starsDid the book description relate to the story? Yes it did. From reading the description, I was looking forward to reading about Whitney and Blake. I anticipated a Booth and Bones relationship (from the Bones TV Series) and I wasn't wrong. How did you...
Orangeberry Blast Off – The Exemeus by Folami Morris
Hyalee Smith is dead, she just doesn’t know it yet. Her short life was devoted to love and to hate. Love of the man who stole her heart, hate for the man who stole the world. Murdered by the government she swore to destroy, she’s been given another chance to make it right. But to save the planet, she...
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Author Interview – Marla Martenson

What inspired you to write your first book? I had so many interesting stories to tell from my matchmaking job. I wanted to share my knowledge and stories. My husband also encouraged me to write. What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general? The most...
Orangeberry Book Tours – Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker by Marla Martenson

Quit-witted Marla takes her readers for a hilarious romp through her days as an LA matchmaker where looks are everything and money talks. The Cupid of Beverly Hills has introduced countless couples who lived happily ever-after, but for every success story there are hysterically funny dating disasters...
Review: Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker by Marla Martenson
Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker by Marla Martenson My rating: 4 of 5 stars Did the plot pull you in or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? The plot pulled me in. Really like reading all the e-mails.How realistic was the characterization? Given the topic, the actions of characters...
Review: Dangerous Waters by Anne Allen
Dangerous Waters by Anne AllenMy rating: 5 of 5 starsDid the book description relate to the story? Yes, I liked the description as I had a good idea of the characters and an idea of the plot. How did you feel about the opening / ending sequences of the book? The best part was the middle when things...
Blog Archive
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Too Many Secrets (Cleo Si...
- Review: Too Many Secrets by Lynn Osterkamp
- Orangeberry Book of the Day - Barbed-Wire Butterfl...
- Author Interview – Lynn Osterkamp
- Orangeberry Book of the Day – Demon Inhibitions (C...
- Orangeberry Book of the Day - The Learner by Alan ...
- Orangeberry Free Alert – Broken Pieces by Rachel T...
- Chris Wager – How to Write by the Seat of Your Pants
- Orangeberry Book of the Day - Refuge by NG Osborne...
- Orangeberry Free Alert - Genetically Modified Food...
- Author Interview – Elle Campbell
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Style, Chic, Trendy, Chea...
- Orangeberry Book of the Day - For Gods and For Me ...
- Orangeberry Free Alert - Aura by Doug Dandridge
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Saving Jackie K by LDC Fi...
- Author Interview – LDC Fitzgerald
- Orangeberry Book of the Day – Confession (Under Mr...
- Review: Saving Jackie K by L.D.C. Fitzgerald
- Review: Reflection by Kim Cresswell
- Orangeberry Blast Off – The Exemeus by Folami Morris
- Author Interview – Marla Martenson
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Diary of a Beverly Hills ...
- Review: Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker by Mar...
- Review: Dangerous Waters by Anne Allen
- Orangeberry Book of the Day - Jack Templar Monster...
- Author Interview – Bradley Convissar
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Blood, Smoke and Ashes by...
- Review: Seven Point Eight: The Second Chronicle by...
- Orangeberry Book Tours – The Angry Woman Suite by ...
- Orangeberry Book Of The Day - Widow Woman by Julia...
- Author Interview – Gaelen VanDenbergh
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Running Against Traffic b...
- Review: Seven Point Eight: The First Chronicle by ...
- Orangeberry Free Alert - Water by Terra Harmony
- Author Interview – Todd M Thiede
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Time Killer by Todd M. Th...
- Review: Time Killer by Todd M. Thiede
- Orangeberry Book of the Day – Double or Nothing by...
- Orangeberry Book Of The Day - Deadly Memories by S...
- Orangeberry Book Tours - May Specials & Ongoing GI...
- Author Interview – Maj. Ray Gleason Ph.D.
- Author Interview – Rechell McDonald
- Author Interview – Sarah Martinez
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Sex and Death in the Amer...
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Chasing Pigeons by Rechel...
- Review: Sex and Death in the American Novel by Sar...
- Review: Chasing Pigeons by Rachell McDonald
- Review: Concussion is Brain Injury by Shireen Jeej...
- Orangeberry Book Tours – The Violent Season: A Sto...
- Orangeberry Spring Fling – Reflection by Kim Cress...
- Orangeberry Book Of The Day - Poison Pill by M.A. ...
- Orangeberry Spring Fling - Dangerous Waters - Anne...
- Orangeberry Free Alert - Coffee and Cockpits by Ja...
- Maggie Thom – How to Avoid the Rejection Blues
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Captured Lies by Maggie Thom
- Orangeberry Spring Fling – Seven Point Eight: The ...
- Orangeberry Book Of The Day - Collapse by Richard ...
- By My Side by Stephanie Witter
- Orangeberry Free Alert - Be Good by Dakota Madison
- Orangeberry Spring Fling – Seven Point Eight: The ...
- Orangeberry Free Alert - What’s French for WTF? A ...
- Orangeberry Spring Fling – Earth-Sim by Jade Kerrion
- Orangeberry Book Tours – After the Ending by Linds...
- Orangeberry Book Of The Day - Forged in Grace by J...
- Schledia Benefield – The Therapy of Writing
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Wildflowers by Schledia B...
- Review: Enigma Black by Sara Furlong Burr
- Author Interview – Henry Mosquera
- Author Interview – Sara Furlong Burr
- Author Interview – Henry Mosquera
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Enigma Black (Enigma Blac...
- Review: Sleeper's Run by Henry Mosquera
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Viral Nation by Shaunta G...
- Rebecca Ethington – How to Make Your Characters Be...
- Orangeberry Spring Fling – When the Silence Ends b...
- Author Interview – Richard Flores IV
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Dissolution of Peace by R...
- Review: Dissolution Of Peace by Richard Flores IV
- Eleanor T Beaty – Words and Comfort
- Orangeberry Book Tours – The Book by Jessica Bell
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Books by Eleanor T Beaty
- Jessica Bell – What Inspired Me to Write The Book
- Review: The Book by Jessica Bell
- Fallen Ruler by Eleanor T. Beaty
- Orangeberry Book Tours – The Lucky Escape by Dr. H...
- Feed Your Reader Giveaway
- Orangeberry Spring Fling - Battle With the Bugs (H...
- Excuse Me, My Brains Have Stepped Out Book Blast
- Review: Eyes of Ember by Rebecca Ethington
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Some Are Sicker Than Othe...
- Orangeberry Book Tours – Pain and Gain – The Untol...
- Orangeberry Book Tours – The Garden by Paul T Harry
- Author Interview – Marc Schiller
- Orangeberry Book Of The Day – So Much Time, So Lit...
- Author Interview – Andrew Seaward
- Author Interview – Paul Harry
- Author Interview – LeRon Barton
- Review: Straight Dope A 360 degree look into Ameri...
- Review: Some Are Sicker Than Others by Andrew Seaward
- Review: Pain and Gain - The Untold True Story by M...