The First Dragoneer by M.R. Mathias
The First Dragoneer is an intro to the Dragoneer Saga. I wrote it in 2009, before I could consider myself a writer. The characters are young, but the story wasn't written to be YA. Many reviewers believe it, and the rest of the Dragoneer Saga, is. In fantasy, I don't really think it matters all that much. The Royal Dragoneers, the first full length novel in the series, is just 2.99 for a limited time.
If you like dragons, action, and adventure, you may enjoy these books. I definately enjoyed bringing them to fruition.
Hold on to your dragon! - M. R. Mathias
The First Dragoneer
When two young men go on a hunt that they know will probably be the last hunt of their youth, they decide they want it to be an unforgettable outting.
When they cross a ridge and leave the unprotected, unpatrolled boundary of their kingdom, they find a cavern that looks like it needs to be explored.
Inside the cavern they find exactly what they were looking for. For residing in the darkened depths of this stoney hole is something that they will never forget......
That is, if they live long enough to remember it!
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