In the next section of this book you will find descriptions and photos of movements I have created that can be done at home, in your office, cubicle or at your desk. You won’t need any special equipment or clothing (although some of the movements may be challenging in tight skirts, and if you wear high heels I suggest you remove them before doing the movements. That goes for you guys, too). These movements were created to be office-friendly, so you won’t have to get down on the floor to perform these movements, and you shouldn’t get too many stares from your co-workers or be dripping with sweat when you’re done.
The movements were designed not only to help you get your body up and moving but also to improve flexibility, balance and strength, and energize your body and mind. Try not to worry that you’re taking time away from your assignments; these short movement breaks have been proven to make you more alert and productive over the course of your day, so you’ll actually make more progress and be more effective when you get back to it. To make this as user-friendly as possible, I have listed the movements individually under categories of benefits, such as strength or balance, kind of like the à la carte menu at your favorite bistro. So if you want, you can chose the individual movements that meet your needs at any given time and put them together as you see fit.
Flexibility Movements
Chair-Supported Downward Facing Dog
Rise from your seated position and walk behind your chair. Secure the chair so that it will not move or roll away. Facing the back of the chair, grab the top of the chair back and then take a step or two backwards away from the chair until your arms are fully extended. Hinge at the hips and lean forward, bringing the torso parallel to the floor beneath you. You should feel a gentle stretch in the low back and hamstring muscles. Hold for 30 seconds.
Modified Hanging Pose
Begin in a standing position with feet hip distance apart. Bend both knees slightly, then lean forward and slowly lower your head as you begin to reach down toward your mid-thighs or knees depending on what feels comfortable for you. Support the upper body with your hands, and allow the spine to lengthen toward the floor as much as feels comfortable. Hold this pose for 5 long, slow, deep breaths.
Turning the Head
Begin in a standing position with arms hanging at your sides and the palms of your hands facing your body. Very slowly turn your head to the right and look over your right shoulder as you rotate the palms of your hands out so that they point out and away from your body. Very slowly turn your head back so that you are looking forward again as you rotate your palms back so that they face your body again. Very slowly turn your head to the left and look over your left shoulder as you rotate your palms out so that they point out and away from your body. Very slowly turn your head back so that you are looking forward again as you rotate your palms back so that they face your body again.
Baby Camel Prays to the Gods
From a standing position place your hands on the front of your thighs for support, then lean forward as you roll your shoulders inward and round the back, dropping your chin down to your chest creating a humped back. Pause for a moment, and then one vertebra at a time bring yourself back up to your standing position bringing your arms down to your sides. Slowly roll your shoulders back, lift the chest and look to the sky.
Hip Swivels
Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Place your hands on your hips and slowly start to roll your hips in a circle. With each swivel of your hips make the circles a little bigger. After 10 seconds, switch directions.
Sitting for extended
periods of time is as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes. And
exercising for 30-60 minutes a day isn’t enough to undo the damage from
extended periods of sitting. Is Your Chair Killing You reveals shocking
new research showing that sitting for long periods greatly increases
your risk of developing obesity, heart disease, diabetes, stroke and
cancer. Our bodies were designed to move constantly over the course of
the day, but most of us sit for hours a day at work and at home!
Fitness and wellness expert and award-winning author Kent Burden has created brief, simple movements you can incorporate into your daily life to combat the damaging effects of sitting. These simple movements, done standing for 1-5 minutes each hour will burn calories, energize and refresh you, and you won’t even break a sweat; you’ll even improve your back pain. This book is a how-to for weight loss and disease prevention. Read this book–you’ll be healthier in as little as 8 minutes a day.
Fitness and wellness expert and award-winning author Kent Burden has created brief, simple movements you can incorporate into your daily life to combat the damaging effects of sitting. These simple movements, done standing for 1-5 minutes each hour will burn calories, energize and refresh you, and you won’t even break a sweat; you’ll even improve your back pain. This book is a how-to for weight loss and disease prevention. Read this book–you’ll be healthier in as little as 8 minutes a day.
Nominated for the Dan Poynter Global Ebook Awards and won honorable mention at the Los Angeles Book Festival
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Genre – Non-Fiction
Rating – G
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