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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

#ReviewShare #BookReview #SciFi - Transcender: First-Timer (Transcender, #1) by @SavageVicky

Transcender: First-Timer (Transcender, #1)Transcender: First-Timer by Vicky Savage
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jaden starts off as a promising character but somewhere between her stilted dialogue and unreal way in which she could be all childlike one minute and a grown up the next. Characters like Ralston, Ryder, Drew and Maria were at times more focused in the plot that Jaden was.

So why read the book? Because the writing will take you to a whole different world, literally. If it weren't the cover, I wouldn't even have given a thought to the author being self-published but in all honesty, the cat man says, with a cover like that, people are definitely going to be thinking twice about picking up the book.

The problem most writers have with science fiction is world building. They aspire to create a world which can suck the human reader in to the point we don't want to leave. Vicky Savage does exactly this and because she gave me a cliffhanger ending, I made sure to read the second book in the series as well which was even better than the first. Extremely talented writer who deserves more readers for a long time to come.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads UK Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I received no monetary compensation for my book review. This book review is based on my thoughts, opinion and understanding of the book. This book review does not reflect the opinion of other book club members.

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