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Friday, March 21, 2014

@ShannonWalbran on What Motivates Her to Write #AmReading #AmWriting #Spiritual

What motivates you to write?
What motivates me to write is the same thing that motivates me to read: to experience a creative twist that reminds me of God.  The Divine artfulness and quirkiness come through in ladybugs and orchids, and we humans have the chance to exercise a similar flair. So, why not? I read and write to be delighted, to renew my faith, and to imagine the impossible.
What writing are you most proud of?
Before I became a professional psychic, I worked as a writer for a non-profit organisation called Ashoka. I conducted the first interviews with people who had world-changing ideas, and I created a written profile so that they would receive funding. I found out that by interviewing them, I was helping them articulate their concepts in ways they had not done previously. The reflection was very useful to them.  Being in contact with such powerful innovators made me value unseen heroes and understand the struggles of people working for justice and human rights around the world. <>
What are you most proud of in your personal life?
I’m proud of myself for starting over. I’ve done it seriously now four times in my life. From moving countries to divorce to illness, I’ve been knocked down but never out.
What books did you love growing up?
I ate up Laura Ingalls Wilder’s “Little House” series, everything by Madeleine L’Engle, and an obscure series called “Magic or Not,” about a group of four ordinary children who stumbled into time travel. The common themes are: strong female protagonists, excellent writing, and a sense of wonder, beauty, and faith.
Who is your favorite author?
I like Barbara Kingsolver, Anne Lamott, Nassim Taleb, Hervé Tullet, Seth Godin, David Byrne, MFK Fisher, David Foster Wallace, Thomas Merton, and many more.  They all make me think, and they preserve a certain grace without taking shortcuts. They are clever in order to benefit others rather than only being clever to show off.
What book genre of books do you adore?
I love a good cookbook with personal stories and ingredient explanations, such as Mark Bittman’s “How to Cook Everything.” Although my work is spiritual, I hope to create “cookbooks” for aspiring psychics.
What book should everybody read at least once?
Everybody should re-read a picture book that they read, or that was read to them, as a young child. For me, it was “I Am A Bunny” by Ole Risom and Richard Scarry. Maybe for you it would be “The Giving Tree” or “Green Eggs and Ham.”  Having heard that story over and over again, it was magical to re-discover it as an adult and very heart-warming for me.
Is there any kind of book you really don’t enjoy?
I used to read all day long every day. I’d read anything I found.  Now, it takes a very special book to entice me.  I’m looking for a work of literature that is hopeful and yet deep, engaging without being trite, and compelling without being violent.  The last book I read that met these criteria was “Mr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore,” and I’m still looking for the next one.
What do you hope your obituary will day about you?
“She helped others.” The message I heard from my angel in 2003 was, “Now it’s time for you to help other people.” It was an external locution, a loud voice from outside of me — so loud, I was sure other people around me could hear it (but they couldn’t). Since then, I’ve dedicated my life to bringing information to other people so they can improve their circumstances, and it seems to be working.

In GUIDED! Shannon combines practical how-to’s and case studies with magical worldwide adventures, reminiscent of Elizabeth Gifford’s Eat, Pray, Love and Sonia Choquette’s Trust Your Vibes.
Shannon’s voice in GUIDED! How to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides is as strong and bright as her personality. Her concise and ‘to the point’ method of writing is refreshing.
In the biography section of the book, Shannon is candid about her tumultuous journey, which includes much sadness and hardship. She writes with empathy.
There are two main sections to the book:
Part I – Ways to Hear from your Guides – is practical and describes in detail how to make a connection with your angelic helpers.
Part II is an inspiring biography of Shannon’s life and is as entertaining as it is informative.
For an interview or review, contact: Ben, the rep for Pat Grayson, Publisher Graysonian Press, or (083) 610-1113. For more information on Graysonian Press, a South African publisher of spiritual and inspirational books, go to
“Guided: How to communicate with your spirit guides” by Shannon Walbran
Review date : 2009-03-06
Book review by Rev. Dr. Ralph Thomas Shepherd for Body and Mind by Antonet–Nirvana Lange.
This book by Shannon Walbran, seeks to assist readers to discovers their own soul’s purposes’ and learn techniques to improve your health, happiness and enlightenment. Shannon does this by describing her own life plan and how she was led through very exciting and thrilling life experiences.
Shannon was led from the US where she was born in 1969, the same year as Anastasia, the Russian leader for social and cultural change currently becoming an international phenomenon. Shannon describes in detail her childhood and the accompanying struggles that contribute to her future. She had a childhood embedded in spirituality and describes her consciousness of fairies and other supernatural experiences. Later she also describes her struggles with her high school activities like ADD and food allergies. One can see them as instrumental in forming her spiritual stature in the years to come.
As Shannon moves into adulthood, we will see her undergoing multi-cultural experiences thereby continuing her ‘spiritual schooling’ which is now opening up for her in a most remarkable way. Shannon is now living in South Africa and is proving a successful guide for those wanting an in depth understanding of their own lives.
Most people only experience spiritual events as separate from normal phenomenon. It seems that with what we are currently experiencing globally. Humanity is standing on the brink of a global crisis of immense proportions. Within the next few years, a whole new paradigm of human development will reveal the work of Shannon Walbran as crucial for human beings as she will be able to help many people to see a meaning future for themselves and their families.
Shannon’s background in radio and not-for-profit work has prepared her for the kind of life that bridges both the spiritual and physical world. Her book, “Guided” will help many souls find solace in the years to come.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Spiritual, Memoir, Non-fiction, Self-Help
Rating – G
More details about the author
Connect with Shannon Walbran through Facebook & Twitter


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